Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Causes Of Coronary Heart Disease and Treatment

The dangerous disease for men and women in the United States is heart disease, sometimes referred to as cardiovascular disease.Coronary heart disease (CHD) develops when the artery supplying blood to the heart becomes partially or wholly blocked. The good news is that heart disease is largely preventable.The heart is a muscle that is about the size of your fist. It pumps blood around your body and beats approximately 70 times a minute. After the blood leaves the right side of the heart, it goes to your lungs where it picks up oxygen.The oxygen-rich blood returns to your heart.
Coronary Heart Disease:
Coronary disease (or coronary heart disease) refers to the failure of coronary circulation to supply adequate circulation to cardiac muscle and surrounding tissue.It has no clear etiology, has many risk factors, including smoking, radiotherapy to the chest, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemia.
The symptoms are
1.Chest pain or a milder pressure, tightness, squeezing, burning, aching or heaviness in the chest, lasting between 30 seconds and five minutes.
2.Shortness of breath, dizziness or a choking sensation accompanying the chest pain.
3.A sudden increase in the severity of angina.
The only certain way to diagnose and measure the extent of coronary heart disease is through the use of coronary angiography.  If your physician suspects that you have coronary heart disease, he will order the procedure.
Lifestyle changes:
Lifestyle changes that may be useful to fight coronary disease include:
1.Weight control
2.Stop smoking
4.Healthy diet.
5.Fish oil consumption to increase omega-3 fatty acid intake.
1.Cholesterol lowering medications, such as statins, are useful to decrease the amount of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol.
2.ACE inhibitors, which treat hypertension and may lower the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction.
Surgical intervention:
2.Coronary artery bypass
3.Heart Transplant

Monday, March 28, 2011

10 Uses Of Drinking Water

1.All functions within the body require the presence of water. A well hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently.
2.Water hydrates your body and also helps it work efficiently. Water boosts your metabolic rate, which gives you energy and helps to burn calories. It is an essential drink in everyday life and a great tool for those who are dieting.
3.Water regulates your body temperature and reduces the risk of disease and infection.
4.Water primarily stimulates the circulation of blood, fluids, and the necessary elements inside our body. Additionally, it also controls and regulates the skin's natural balance.Our skin is comprised of 90% water. And so without the right amount of water to keep that level, the skin tends to be unhealthy and dry.
5.Cold water reduces intoxication of alcohol. It relieves fatigue, giddiness, vomiting sensation and quenches thirst.
6.Hot water kindles hunger, helps in good digestion, sooths throat, cleanses bladder, reduces hiccups
7.Researches proved that, drinking water regularly reduces the risk of heart diseases. The scientists say that dehydration increases the viscosity of blood and plasma which are risk factors of heart disease.
8.Water is very essential for digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. Well hydrated body cells function normally and efficiently.
9.If you’re on a diet to lose weight it is more important to drink a lot of water throughout the day.
10. Drinking 8 – 10 glasses of water per day flushes the toxins from body, hydrates the skin well and reduces acne and pimples.

How to Lower Your Cholesterol?

what is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol, a waxy substance produced by the liver and found in certain foods, is needed to make vitamin D and some hormones, build cell walls, and create bile salts that help you digest fat. Actually, your liver produces about 1,000 milligrams of cholesterol a day, enough cholesterol so that if you never touched another cheese fry, you'd be OK. But it's hard to avoid cholesterol entirely because so many foods contain it.Too much cholesterol in the body can lead to serious problems like heart disease. Many factors can contribute to high cholesterol, but the good news is there are things you can do to control them.

Effects of High Cholesterol:

High levels of LDL leads to blockage in the arteries by forming plaque, which increases the risk of a heart attack. In addition to a higher risk of heart attack, having high cholesterol also increases the risk for strokes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and an irregular heart rhythm.

Foods to restrict/avoid:

Rich pastries, doughnuts, croissant, deep fried snacks and sweets, cream, butter, ghee, mayonnaise, shrimps, liver, sausages, hamburgers, red meats, full cream milk and yogurt, kheer, condensed milk, evaporated milk, all full fat cheeses, fast foods, coconut oil, palm oil,restrict use of coconut milk, dessicated or fresh coconut.

Foods allowed:

1.Fish is a good source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids - which has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol.

2.All kinds of lentils. They contain good amount of protein but no saturated fat.

3.Oatmeal and oat bran are rich in soluble fiber, a type of fiber which lowers the bad Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol without lowering the good High Density Lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol.

4.Choose chicken (skinned), and all kinds of fish prepared in any way but not deep fried.

5.Choose foods high in complex carbohydrates (starch and fiber).
6.Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. These wonders of nature may be one of the most powerful strategies in fighting heart disease. The increase in dietary fiber as part of a healthy diet helps lower bad LDL cholesterol.

Causes of Diabetes

The causes of diabetes are not clearly known. There is still a mystery in it. Medical scientists are unable to tell, thats why some people suffer from diabetes while others do not.Diet, is also a major factor responsible for causing diabetes.Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas doesn't make enough or any of the hormone insulin, or when the insulin produced doesn't work effectively. In diabetes, this causes the level of glucose in the blood to be too high.The precise Etiology of most cases of diabetes is uncertain, although certain contributing factors are as follows:

Type 1 diabetes :

The cells in the pancreas that make insulin are destroyed, causing a severe lack of insulin.This may lead to autoimmune reaction.It is result of destruction of beta cells due to aggressive nature of cells present in the body.We don't know exactly why this happens, but we do know that some people are born with a tendency to develop diabetes. Then something "triggers" the onset of the disease. It may be a virus that triggers the onset, or it may be something in the environment. There is nothing a parent can do to prevent this from happening.

Type 2 diabetes:

Diabetes mellitus type 2 – formerly non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes – is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood glucose in the context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency.Type 2 diabetes is due to a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors.The classical symptoms of diabetes are polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), polyphagia (increased hunger), fatigue and weight loss.There is also a strong inheritable genetic connection in type 2 diabetes: having relatives (especially first degree) with type 2 increases risks of developing type 2 diabetes very substantially.

Diabetes Myths:

 Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.
 Fact: No, it does not.  Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and unknown factors that trigger the onset of the disease; type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors.

 Myth:Only people with diabetes need insulin.
 Fact:Everybody needs insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows the body to convert food into energy for activity.

 Myth:People with diabetes shouldn't exercise.
 Fact:The exact opposite is true: Exercise is a key component of any diabetes treatment plan, as it helps diabetics better use insulin  and lower or maintain weight.

 Myth:People with diabetes shouldn't exercise.
 Fact:  Being overweight is a risk factor for developing this disease, but other risk factors such as family history, ethnicity and age   also play a role. Unfortunately, too many people disregard the other risk factors for diabetes and think that weight is the only risk   factor for type 2 diabetes.

How To Avoid Acidity?

Acidity can be completely cured with lifestyle changes. The burning sensation in the stomach, near to the heart is a killer, no doubt. But, it can be avoided.Having high levels of acidity makes you uneasy and restricts your movements.It can be annoying and embarrassing.It helps to take precautions to avoid the condition.Many people take over-the-counter antacids for a quick ease of acid stomach, but for most people, a proper diet is the best solution for overcoming acid stomach.

Food To Avoid Acidity:

1.Eat carbohydrate rich food like rice, as they are easily digested and with no acid formation.
2.Regular practice of in taking one to two glass of water, in early morning is healthy habit and helpful in acidity control.
3.Among vegetables white pumpkin, bitter gourd, cucumber, green banana and banana flower are effective.
4.Cow’s milk is preferable to buffalo’s milk.
5.Drinking Green tea with afternoon and evening meals decreases the problem of acidity.

These are some steps to avoid stomach acid:

1.Avoid high-fat meals such as those from the fast food chains. High fat foods will remain in the stomach longer in which more acid is secreted to digest them.
2.Avoid eating onions, citrus fruits, spicy foods, as they worsen the acid reflux or acidity disease.
3.Stop smoking.This is because the cigarettes can cause acidity or makes it worse; in addition to that, they increase the risk of cancer of the esophagus, which is linked to chronic diseases.
4.Avoid eating protein-rich and calcium-rich foods like milk and diary products at night.
5. Avoid unripe high pectin fruits, such as unripe apple. But ripe apple  or fuji apple may help.

How To Double Your Immune Power?

To get rid of many diseases we need some good immunity power to our body,which make us healthy as well as wealthy.There are several ways to improve our immunity.The natural remedies will help you to get much immunity to your body like eating fruits,vegetables and drinking more water daily.The Following are the several ways which makes you  healthy.

1.Eating An Egg Daily:

An egg can act as a binder which helps other ingredients bind together (they are used to help bind together meatballs, meatloaf and flour mixtures). Another use of egg is as a coating agent. Eggs are rich source of high-quality protein and amino acids that are indispensable for a healthy body.Due to presence of carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin, eggs check macular degeneration caused by ageing.According to various researches, eggs facilitate weight loss and thus help to stay in shape.

2.Eating Fruits:

a) Fruits is one of the most important healthy and natural foods in existence. Thousands of different types of fruit are available to eat, all of the fruit has many strong health benefits. They are excellent sources of minerals, vitamins and enzymes. An individual on natural diet consisting mostly of raw fruits and vegetables will always enjoy good health.
b) Apples, grapes, and many other fruits contain pectin, a soluble fiber that helps regulate blood cholesterol levels. Berries, citrus, and dried fruits are especially high in both soluble and insoluble fibers.
c) A balanced diet includes at least five portions of fruits daily will provide all the vitamin C that the body should be, plus many more beneficial  vitamins and minerals.

3.Eating Vegetables:

Vegetables are one of the most natural foods and contain different vitamins, minerals and thousands of other plant chemicals known to provide health benefits. Eating vegetables can reduced many diseases. Vegetables has most important role in a recipe or we can combine vegetables with other ingredients in a harmony of flavors.
Though vegetables in general are good sources of fiber, there are certain types of vegetables that contain more fiber than others. Examples of these fiber-rich vegetables include brussel sprouts, carrots, cooked beans and peas, and spinach.

4.Doing Exercises:

Regular exercise is a critical part of staying healthy. People who are active live longer and feel better. Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. It can delay or prevent diabetes, some cancers and heart problems.

Most adults need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week. Examples include walking briskly, mowing the lawn, dancing, swimming for recreation or bicycling. Stretching and weight training can also strengthen your body and improve your fitness level.

5.Drinking More Water:

All functions within the body require the presence of water. A well hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently. All chemical processes involve energy metabolism and drinking plenty of water will make us feel more energetic and boost our metabolic rate.

How To Avoid Bad Breath?

Halitosis, or bad breath is one thing major health concern that should be taken seriously.Bad Breath can be an embarrassing problem.It does not create any discomfort for you, but can mar your public life to a major extent.How do you avoid bad breath?.That is a tough question.Below we have a list of actions to take in order to help with your vad breath problem.
1.Brush your teeth when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed in night.Make sure you brush your tongue and cheeks too.
2.Using a mouthwash is a very popular method of avoiding bad breath. Make sure that you use the mouthwash on a daily basis, as a part of your brushing routine.
3.Celery (ajmod), coriander (dhania), basil (tulsi), rosemary, thyme (hasha), wintergreen (gandapura), cardamom (eliachi), cinnamon bark (dalchini), clove (laung), fennel (saunf) or anise seeds (patli saunf) are great breath fresheners. Slowly chew any of these herbs and allow the saliva to build up in your mouth.
4.Lack of water in the body might lead to bad breath. Make sure that you drink enough water throughout the day.
5.Consumption of cigarettes, coffee, onions and alcohol can result in bad breath very easily. So, try to avoid all of them as much as you can.
6.Use toothpaste which neutralize sulfur compounds and have anti-bacterial properties.
7.We have all been told about the importance of flossing, but so many of us neglect our gums by not flossing. Bad breath is also caused by residual food caked between your teeth and in your gum line, so make sure to floss daily.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Causes and Treatment For Back Pain

       Unfortunately, back pain can be among the most difficult and frustrating problems for patients and their doctors.It is a known fact that sometime during our lifetime, we will all experience some sort of back pain.Understanding the cause of your back pain is important to proper treatment.There are many factors which causes the back pain.Some of the reasons are listed below.
1.Some people have this pain due to inflammation or swelling or poor posture.
2.Arthritis in spine is a common cause of back pain, especially in adults.Arthritis of the spine can be a very painful and debilitating problem that often affects individuals 40 or older.
3.If you are overweight or obese, you have a chance of getting back pain, a very common problem for heavy people.Carrying extra weight can increase your risk for developing several back disorders.
4.The herniated disc is another common cause of back pain.When the herniated disc ruptures and pushes out, the nerves may become pinched.When the spinal cord or spinal nerves become compressed, they don't work properly.
5.Osteoporosis is another cause of back pain.It is a disorder where the bones become weakened by loss of mass. This leads to an increased risk of broken bones (fractures) as the result of even a gentle impact of the bone.
6.Women who are pregnant or in the middle of a menstrual period often complain of lower back pain. During pregnancy the enlarged belly stretches the spine, resulting in back pain.
Treatment For Back Pain:
        Treatment for back pain includes massage therapies and acupuncture.Now there  is a treatment available for back and neck pain.  The treatment is based on a new concept which involves "painless treatment without surgery and spinal injection".Surgery is generally recommended only when all the options fail.Another natural treatment is yoga.Special yoga exercise under expert’s guidance can cure your back pain problem completely. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Don’t go jogging on an empty stomach

Jogging before breakfast will not necessarily increase performance, according to Professor Ingo Froboese from the Centre for Health at the German Sport High School.The reason is because, just like at night, our bodies are still breaking down fats in the morning hours. “When training on an empty stomach, fat metabolism only remains active until the body’s sugar reserves are used up.” When that point is reached, the body’s performance rate falls and you will be forced to end training. If you must go jogging early in the morning, then you should at least eat a food high in carbohydrate such as a banana.
However, Froboese recommends eating breakfast first and then engaging in some weightlifting to build muscles. “That activates the body and will make it fit for the rest of the day,” he says. Weight training raises pressure in the peripheral blood vessels and increases the overall blood pressure in the body, thus making you more alert.An endurance exercise such as jogging makes more sense in the evening, according to Froboese. Moderate jogging relaxes the body and can have a meditative effect. Stop exercising at least two hours before going to bed in order to guarantee a restful night’s sleep.

How veggies protect against cancer

A new research by scientists from the University of Alabama at Birmingham has shown how vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage help reverse or prevent cancers and other aging-related diseases."Your mother always told you to eat your vegetables, and she was right,” says co-author Trygve Tollefsbol, a biology professor in the UAB College of Arts and Sciences. “But now we better understand why she was right - compounds in many of these foods suppress gene aberrations that over time cause fatal diseases.” Epigenetics is the study of the changes in human gene expressions with time, changes that can cause cancer and Alzheimer’s, among other diseases. In recent years, epigenetics research worldwide, including numerous studies conducted at UAB, have identified specific food compounds that inhibit negative epigenetic effects.

                      Those foods include soybeans, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage. Green tea, fava beans, kale, grapes and the spice turmeric round out the diet."The epigenetics diet can be adopted easily, because the concentrations of the compounds needed for a positive effect are readily achievable,” says lead author Syed Meeran, Ph.D., a research assistant professor in Tollefsbol’s UAB Department of Biology laboratory."Compounds in the epigenetics diet foods can, at the very least, help us lead healthier lives and help our bodies prevent potentially debilitating diseases like breast cancer and Alzheimer’s,” Tollefsbol says.

Scientists claim breakthrough in Alzheimer’s treatment

British scientists claim to have overcome a key problem in treating dementia and motor neurone disease, by discovering a novel way to get medicines into the brain to treat the common memory disorders.A team at Oxford University says the breakthrough may pave the way for a new generation of treatments for conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, motor neurone disease and muscular dystrophy, Nature Biotechnology journal reported.Until now, it has been very difficult to get drugs into the brain because of an efficient filter known as blood- brain barrier. One of the only ways has been to inject drugs directly into the brain.But, now the British scientists have discovered how to hide medicines from this filter by attaching them to tiny molecules, released by cells, called exosomes. They can send drugs into brain to switch off a gene linked to Alzheimer’s.However they believe it may be a few more years before the technique is safe enough to test on humans.

Dr. Matthew Wood, who led the study, was quoted by the Daily Express as saying, “These are dramatic and exciting results. It’s the first time new biological medicines have been delivered effectively across the blood-brain barrier to the brain.” 

Exosomes are small capsules that are produced by most cells in the body. They can break away from the cell and travel around the body, taking genetic material with them.They help cells to “talk” to each other.Dr. Wood added: “We’ve shown that a natural system could be exploited to deliver drugs. We believe we can use this same technology for Alzheimer’s, motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s.“The next steps are to test the exosomes in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease to see if it makes a difference to disease progression.”The trial showed that when the drug was attached to exosomes and injected into the blood system of mice, it crossed the blood-brain barrier and ended up in the brain.

Once there, the type of drug delivered was able to switch off a gene linked to Alzheimer’s. This led to a 60 per cent drop in the brain of the problem enzyme linked to the gene, the findings revealed.
The Alzheimer’s Society has hailed the discovery.“The blood-brain barrier protects the brain from harmful chemicals but also makes it difficult for drugs to reach the target cells. If this delivery method proves safe in humans we may see more effective drugs being made available for people with Alzheimer’s in the future. More research is now needed,” a spokesman said.

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Is The Treatment For Asthma?

What is Asthma?
Asthma is a disease that affects the airways which carry air to and from your lungs.The people who are suffering from this chronic condition are said to be asthmatic.Asthma affects the lives of millions of people across the world. If not properly cared for, asthma may lead to serious problems.
What Causes Asthma?
The exact cause of asthma isn't known.Researchers think that genetic and environmental factors are the main causes of asthma.In asthmatic patients the breathing tubes become narrowed down as cells and chemicals enter the lung tissues inflaming the breathing tubes.Some times they will face difficulty in breathing .
How To Diagonise Asthma?
An asthma diagnosis is very difficult because of these general non-specific symptoms.An asthma diagnosis requires objective measurement of decreased airflow in your lungs that either partially or completely improves spontaneously or with treatment.Lung Function Test is usually used to diagonise asthma.Your doctor will use a test called spirometry (spi-ROM-eh-tre) to check how your lungs are working. This test measures how much air you can breathe in and out. It also measures how fast you can blow air out.
What Is The Treatment For Asthma?
There is no permanent cure for asthma.The medication for asthma can be categorized into long-term control and quick-relief medications.Long-term control medications are taken daily to maintain control of persistent asthma.The quick-relief medications are taken to achieve prompt reversal of an acute asthma attack by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle.Examples of quick relief asthma medicines include Albuterol, Proventil and Ventolin etc.Some of the preventative asthma medicines include Inhaled corticosteroids such as Aerobid, Asmanex, Azmacort and Flovent HFA etc.And the other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory controller asthma medications include Intal and Tilade. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How To Get Pregnant Quickly?

Getting pregnant isn't always as easy or quick as most people think it will be.There are millions of women who face trouble getting pregnant after trying much effort.There are several ways to help this process along the way.First of all you should know,what are the reasons for not getting pregnant.
In Women:
An important thing that creates trouble getting pregnant is having intercourse at the time when you are not ovulating.So you should have clear idea about ovulation cycles.If you are a woman who smokes, drinks and uses drugs, then you have very low chances of conceiving.Stay away from it.Another thing is stress.Excessive stress may  lead to affect many things like the menstrual and ovulation cycles.Keep the vaginal area clean.When it is too acidic, the sperms cannot survive.
In Men:
The truth is that 30% of couples facing infertility are male factor.The major cause for infertility is low sperm count.If the sperm count or motility is extremely low, we usually assume this is the cause of the fertility issue.The normal range of sperm count is between 35 and 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen.Another cause is Asthenospermia,means sperm moves more slowly than normal.Some times the semen does not contain sperm.This is because of Azoospermia.
Tips to get pregnant:
1.Try to have sex around the time of ovulation.
2.Avoid smoking,alcohol and abuse drugs.
3.Ovulation prediction and fertility charting is important.So you can time intercourse and increase your chances of pregnancy.
4.Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.
5.Try to minimize the leakage of sperm from the vagin after sex.
6.Having regular sex, 3-4 times weekly, will increase your chances of hitting a fertile time period.
7.Try to have a healthy diet and eliminate stress.

Foods That Promote Hair Growth

The loss of hairs while combing, washing or sometimes while sleeping, on pillows and bed can be ascertained as a problem of hair fall.
Reasons For Hair Fall:
A number of things can cause excessive hair loss. For example, about 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery, you may suddenly lose a large amount of hair. This hair loss is related to the stress of the illness and is temporary.Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out.There are also some other reasons like heridity,stress,etc.,
Foods That Promote Hair Growth:
Certain foods are heplful to promote your hair growth.Hair is mainly made up of protein.To promote hair growth,you should take the protein-rich foods like liver, brewer's yeast, fish, eggs, beans, cottage cheese,etc.The second most important hair nutrient is iron.Foods that are a good source of iron include liver,lean red meats, lamb, beans,lima, navy, black, pinto, soy beans, and lentils, iron fortified whole grains, including cereals, breads, rice, and pasta.Some other nutritions like B vitamin,essential fatty acids,vitamin E and sulfur are also helpful in promoting hair growth.Essential fatty acids are rich in  canola oil,walnuts and fish etc.
Depending on your type of hair loss, treatments are available.Recognizing and treating an infection may help stop the hair loss.Surgery is another option for treating excessive hair loss.Surgical options, including scalp flaps and hair transplantation, may work for large scale hair loss, but they require a long recovery and can bring complications.

Six Healthy Natural Foods On Earth

Researchers found that people who eat nuts regularly have lower risks of heart disease.Adding plenty of nuts to your diet can have a significantly positive impact on your cholesterol levels.Nuts are one of the best plant sources of protein. They are very high in dietary fiber, phytonutrients and antioxidants such as Vitamin E and selenium.It also lowers the risk of heart disease,reduces the risk of cancer and controls the body weight.
Apples are low in calories and vitamins, fats, low in sodium and contains minerals and fiber.Studies have shown that eating apples can reduce blood cholesterol, especially bad LDL-cholesterol.Another positive benefit of eating apples is the high water content of the fruit.An apple contains five grams of fiber and a rich mix of nutrients, including the bone-building vitamin K and the anti-inflammatory nutrient quercetin. 
Egg has many health benefits naturally. The egg is rich in protein and relatively low in calories. Yolk contains choline, which is one of the most important nutrients for the brain, as well as lutein and xeazanthin two key nutrients for eye health.
                 Brassica cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale contain all the plant compounds called indoles that help reduce the risk of cancer.Eggs are high in sulphur and other nutrients, making them good for your skin and hair.Researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.
Beans are cholesterol free, contain no saturated fat and are low in total fat.Beans include calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, folate, and alpha-linolenic acid. These nutrients work together on several key areas of the body promoting total health.Eating beans can help in maintaining desired weight levels.Those suffering from diabetes are also benefitted by eating beans.
Onions and Garlic:
The health benefits of eating garlic and onions on a daily basis were well known to our ancestors. It is also good for the heart, can help lower cholesterol levels and stop inflammation.They contain high levels of quercetin, a potent flavonoid that may help fight or prevent cancer.
Green Tea:
National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent.Researchers have discovered that drinking a cup of green tea daily will boost your metabolism from 8 to 14 percent, that’s why they highly recommend it to those who are looking for a quick method to lose fat.There is also epidemiological evidence that drinking green tea and black tea may help prevent diabetes,although it is worth noting that this is evidence of an association, and that future studies are needed to confirm the effect.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Treatment For The Corhn's

Crohn's disease, also known as regional enteritis, is an inflammatory disease of the intestines that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, causing a wide variety of symptoms.Researchers have not yet identified the cause of Crohn's disease, so it is described as an "idiopathic" disease.There is no known pharmaceutical or surgical cure for Crohn's disease.Treatment options are restricted to controlling symptoms, maintaining remission, and preventing relapse.
It primarily causes abdominal pain, diarrhea (which may be bloody if inflammation is at its worst), vomiting, or weight loss,but may also cause complications outside the gastrointestinal tract such as skin rashes, arthritis, inflammation of the eye, tiredness, and lack of concentration.
Historically, Crohn's disease has been difficult to diagnose. In part, this is because its symptoms are similar to those of other bowel disorders, including ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.Sigmoidoscopy is a procedure that allows the doctor to directly examine the lining of the rectum and lower portion of the colon.Colonoscopy is similar to sigmoidoscopy, but the much longer colonoscope allows the doctor to thoroughly examine the entire colon (advancing from the rectum to the terminal ileum, the end of the small intestine).If Crohn's disease is limited to the small intestine, a colonoscopy will not detect the disease. However, Crohn's disease can almost always be detected on x-rays after barium is swallowed. X-rays taken after barium is given by enema can reveal the characteristic appearance of Crohn's disease in the large intestine.
 There is no permanent cure for crohn's.Treatment of mild to moderate Crohn's disease often begins with aminosalicylates (such as sulfasalazine or mesalamine), which help prevent inflammation.Antibiotics (ciprofloxacin or metronidazole) will probably be tried if aminosalicylates don't help your symptoms. Antibiotics are also useful for some complications of Crohn's disease and are used to treat fistulas.Corticosteroids may be added if symptoms continue. Corticosteroids usually stop symptoms and put the disease in remission. But they are not used as long-term treatment to keep symptoms from coming back.Stronger treatment with medicines that suppress the immune system (such as azathioprine [AZA], 6-mercaptopurine [6-MP], and methotrexate) may be needed to help keep the disease in remission.
An international team of researchers has identified four genetic variants common to celiac disease and Crohn's disease.The research may help to explain why people who have celiac disease appear to have a higher rate of Crohn's disease than the general population. It may one day lead to new treatments that address the underlying inflammation involved in both conditions.

How to Increase Your Breast Size?

Having a well-filled breast is almost every woman's dream.Many women who wish to improve the shape and size of their breasts,they can follow some natural ways rather than taking pills or medicines.These natural tips may not give instant results but they can give better  results.The following are the some natural tips which helps to increase your breast size naturally.
Simple breast exercises like massaging can have a great impact on your breast.It also improves the strength of the muscles located below the breasts.Many exercises does not require  any special equipment and can be done in the privacy of your own home.Massage does two things to stimulate growth.One benefit of massage is increased circulation.Another benefit of massage is prolactin production.  Swinging arms clock-wise and then anti-clock-wise for eight counts is of great help.Apply massage in circular motions with pressure on the upward area is known to work.
It is the safest way by which you can increase the size of the breast.There are several herbs available in the market which helps to increase your breast size.Some of them are saw palmetto,fenugreek and the rest of othese.The quality herbs should be selected to use.
However, foods by themselves won’t increase breast size.Research indicates that imbalances in hormone levels is one of the main reason for underdeveloped breasts in the majority of women.Fruits and vegetables are useful to increase your breast size.Because they contain lots of vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients.To get the most of your natural breast enhancement diet, look for foods which contain estrogens. Other foods like whole grains and cereals are also helpful as they contain a high percentage of fiber in them.
This is another method to increase your breast size.But this is a painful method and not fruitful.It may give you good look and feel but not natural method.There are several breast implant options like saline breast implants,silicone filled breast implants. When compared to other natural methods surgery is very cost effective and have some complications.

Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Lose Weight?

Losing weight is not an easy process.You can make it easy by burning more calaries than you eat.Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.Using pills and medicines to lose weight is not good for your health.Because by taking diet pills and fasting you may lose some weight rapidly.But it also have some side effects like losing hair and it may also injure your heart. The key secret to lose weight is small changes in dietary habits.It won't give you instant results.But it can give best results.So have a healthy diet and include at least 30 minute of physical exercise.

        You have to calculate your basal metabolic rate(BMR).This is nothing but what your body needs to maintain normal functions like breathing and digestion.This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat daily.Some fruits also hepls to lose your weight.If we take grapes,they're especially good chilled besides, a hundred grams of grapes contain only 70 calories.If we take orange,it has so many benefits.Recent research also suggests that oranges contain a natural skin cancer fighting chemical.They are an excellent source of dietary fiber.They contain water soluble pectin which also helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels.Apples also helpful to prevent your body from absorbing too much fat.And also you can use some vegetables like green beans,string beans,cabbage,carrots,cucumbers,tomato and soybeans.

        Doing some physical exercises also helps you to lose weight.Because they decreases your calorie intake or increases the number of calories you burn.if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential.Exercises makes the person physically fit.It improves the efficiency of lungs and the function of many tissues all over the body.The blood flow of whole body will increase in the use of physical exercises.And you have to avoid some habits like drinking alcohol because it will make you gain fat easily.Avoid the grocery store snack aisle and stop eating potato chips, popcorn, cookies, candy, ice cream, cakes, etc.There is no standard way to lose weight but these dietary habits will definitely help you to loose weight.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Aid Treatment Of Snake Bite

Out of 3500 species of snakes only 250 are poisonous.The viper(except America) and Cobra (except Europe) are found in all parts of world including India.All sea snakes are poisonous.A brief description of these three types of medically important,poisonous snakes is as follows:
1.Cobras: They belong to the family of Elapidae.They are terrestrial snakes having short fangs.Their venom is neurotoxic.
2.Vipers:They belong to the viperidate family.These snakes have long erectile fangs.The vipers can be of two types.The true vipers,such as Russell's viper and carpet vipers belonging to the sub-family of Viperinae and Pit vipers such as rattle snakes belonging to the sub-family of cortalidate.Their venom is vasculotoxic.
3.Sea snakes:They belong to Hydrophidae family,having characteristic flattened tail and short fangs.The venom of sea snakes is myotoxic.
Clinical features of snake bite:
In poisoning due to the cobra snake the patients feel sleepy,weakness of legs gradually develops into paralysis of legs.There is excessive salivation and vomiting.Due to paralysis of tongue and pharynx,there is difficulty in swallowing and speech,coma sets in and finally respiration ceases and heart stops.
           In the viper poisoning the bite area is swollen and painful.There can be pain abdomen,vomiting,dilatation of pupil and often complete loss of consciousness.Body temperature is raised.There can occur haemorrhages from the gum,rectum or site of bite.The whole body becomes edematous.Death occurs due to shock and haemorrhage.In sea snake bite,the early signs and symptoms are similar to cobra bite.Other signs include myalgia,myoglobinuria,paralysis of limbs and cessation of respiration.
First aid treatment of snake bite:
The first aid treatment of snake bite is as follows:
i)Assure the patient;
ii)Apply firm pressure over the bitten area to delay absorption of poison;
iii)Apply a broad firm bandage around the limb and on the bitten area.As much of the limb should be bandaged as is possible.The bandage should be tight enough to occlude the superficial veins and lymphatic channels but not the arteries or deep veins.Alternatively a ligature can be applied above the site of bite which should be loosened for 90 seconds after every 10 minutes.If bite is on an area other than the limbs,apply firm pressure over the site of the bite;
iv)Immobilise the limb to minimise the spread of venom;
v)Make a cross incision 1 cm long and 0.5 cm deep over each bite mark.Drainage of blood and lymph should be done from each cut by using a glass and a rubber suction bulb for at least one hour;
vi)Clean the wound with sterile saline or water and cover it with a sterile dressing;
  The patient should be shifted to a hospital as early as possible,where antisnake venom serum 20 ml is given intravenously immediately after sensitivity test.Further doses are repeated every six hours till symptoms disappear.

Causes of Cancer and Prevention

Cancer is a term used for a group of diseases characterised by:
1.An abnormal and purposeless multiplication of cells;
2.Ability to infiltrate the adjacent tissues or even distant organs; and
3.The eventual death of the patient,if the tumour has progressed beyond that stage when it can be removed successfully.
 Cancer can occur in any part or any tissue of the body and can involve any type of body cells.
Cancer is classified into two main categories. i.e 1.Solid tumours and 2.Leukaemias and lymphomas.
Causes of Cancer:
Like any other chronic disease cancer is caused due to multiple causes.Environmental factors are generally supposed to be responsible for majority of cancer cases.Following are the important causes for cancer:
Smoking or chewing of tobacco is the major environmental cause of cancer of mouth,tongue,larynx,lungs,pharynx,stomach,pancreas and kidney.
Excessive consumption  of alcohol is associated with the cancer of oesophagus and stomach.
Dietary factors:
High fat diet is related to breast cancer,dietary fibre to intestinal cancer,beef to bowel cancer and consumption of smoked fish is related to stomach cancer.
Occupational factors:
Exposure to chemicals such as benzene,arsenic,cadmium,chromium,vinyl chloride,polycyclic hydrocarbons,asbestos and many others is related to cancers of lungs and skin.Among these persons smokers are at high risk.
Many viruses are held responsible for many cancers.For example,hepatitis B virus can produce cancer of the liver.Human papilloma virus(HPV) is supposed to be responsible for T cell leukaemia or lymphoma.Similarly Hodgkin's disease,Burkitt's lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma are also supposed to be of viral origin.
Many infections caused due to parasites can increase the risk of malignant diseases.In the middle east,schistosomiasis is supposed to be an important cause of the cancer of urinary bladder.
Customs,habits and life styles:
These can also be associated with increased risk of cancer.There is a definite association between smoking and lung cancer.Similarly tobacco chewing,betel chewing or chewing of pan masala(Gutka) have association with the cancer of oral cavity.
Other environmental factors:
Sunlight is associated with cancer of skin.Radiation is associated with leukaemia and consumption of oestrogen is related with breast cancer.
        In addition to the above mentioned factors genetic factors are also important for certain cancers for example retinoblastoma is familial.Similarly leukaemia is common in mongol children.
Cancer Control:
 Early diagnosis,proper treatment ,after care and rehabilitation are helpful in controlling the disease.The control of cancer is possible in one third of the cases.The control of cancer can be done by primary prevention and by secondary prevention.
It is possible to control many of the causitive factors of the cancer in the general population as well as in particular occupational groups by following measures:
1.Control of tobacco and alcohol consumption.
2.Improvement of personal hygiene.(to prevent cervix cancer).
3.Reduction in the amount of radiation.
4.Protect workers from industrial carcinogenic chemicals.
5.Immunization against hepatitis B virus(to protect primary liver cancer).
6.Testing of food,drugs and cosmetics for their carcinogenic activity.
7.Control of air pollution.
8.Early detection and treatment of precancerous lesions such as warts,chronic gastritis,chronic cervicitis etc.
9.Help of law to control know carcinogens.
10.Cancer education to motivate people for early diagnosis and early treatment.
For secondary prevention following measures are taken.
1.Registration of cancer cases should be done to assess the severity of the problem and for providing the necessary services.Registration of cancer cases can be done in hospitals.The hospital based registries should be extended to population base registry.
2.Early detection can be done by cancer screening at a premalignant stage.Effective screening programmes have developed for cervical cancer,breast cancer and for oral cancer.
3.Treatment facilities should be available to all cancer patients.
The cancer treatment  consists of the following:
b)Radiotherapy; and
   Multimodality approach(i.e combination of any two or all the three above mentioned therapies) to cancer control has become a standard practice in cancer centres all over the world.Those patients who have crossed the curable stage for them the goal must be to provide pain relief.

What is Gonorrhoea?

Gonorrhoea is the infection of the mucous membrane of genitourinary tract with Niesseria gonorrhoea.The eyes may also be infected.
Causative agent:
The causative agent Niesseria gonorrhoea is a diplococcus.It is a gram negative intracellular organism.
Mode of Transmission:
The infection is transmitted during the sexual intercourse with an infected partner.
   In males the infection starts in the anterior part of the urethra and tends to spread to the prostate and sometime even up to epididymis.The patient complaints of dysuria,increased frequency of micturition,and a white discharge from urethra.
   In females the infection is mainly in the urethra,the bartholinian glands and the cervix of the uterus.Patients complaint of dysuria and vaginal discharge.Cervicitis  and acute salpingitis can also occur.
Incubation period:
  It is 3 to 10 days.
Specific treatment of gonorrhoea:
A single intramuscular injection of 600,000 units of Procaine penicillin is in most instances sufficient.

Causes and indications of Malaria and Treatment

                Malaria is a general term applied to a group of diseases caused by infection with specific sporozoan parasites of the genus plasmodium and transmitted to man by certain species of infected female Anopheles mosquito.It is clinically characterized by episodes of  chills and  fever with periods of latency,enlargement of spleen and secondary anaemia.
A typical attack of malaria consists of three successive stages:
1.Cold stage is characterized by sudden onset onset of fever with rigor and chills.This stage lasts between 15 minutes to one hour.
2.Hot Stage is characterized by headache and burning hot and he casts offs clothes.This stage lasts from 2 to 6 hours.
3.Sweating stage is characterized by profuse sweating.This stage lasts from 2 to 4 hours.The febrile paroxysms occur repeatedly after a period of 2 or 3 days depending upon the type of the malaria parasite.Latent period of the disease may be several weeks or months.
Causative agent:
                 Malaria is caused by four distinct species of malaria parasite i.e. Plasmodium vivax,P.falciparum,P.malarae and P.ovole.In india in 70% of cases the causative agent is P.vivax,in 25-30% cases it is P.falciparum while 4-8% cases are due to mixed infection .P.malarae is responsible only for less than 1% of cases in India.The malaria parasite undergoes two cycles of development-Asexul cycle in man and the sexual cycle in mosquito.Man is the intermediate host and mosquito is definitive host.
Mode of transmission:
Following modes are possible for the transmission of malaria.
a)Vector transmission:Malaria is commonly transmitted by the bite of certain species of infected female anopheline mosquitoes.
b)Direct transmission:Malaria can be transmitted by infected needles,blood transfusions etc.
c)Congenital infection: Rarely this can occur in the new born from infected mother.
Incubation period:
The time between mosquito bite and appearance of fever is more than 10 days ranging from 12 to 40 days.
Prevention and control of malaria:
In 1979 the WHO expert Committee on Malaria described the following two categories of antimalarial measures.
I.Measures to be taken by the individual
1.Prevention of man/vector contact by using repellents,protective clothing,bed nets etc.
2.Destruction of adult mosquitoes by domestic sprays.
3.Sestruction of mosquito larvae by peridomestic sanitation,intermittent drying of water containers.
4.Source reduction of mosquitoes by filling,small scale drainage, and other forms of water
5.Measures against malaria parasite which include chemoprophylaxis and chemotherapy.
II.Measures to be taken by the community
1.Prevention of man/vector contact-site selection and screening of houses.
2.Destruction of adult mosquitoes-residual spraying or space spraying of insecticides.
3.Source reduction-prevention of man made malaria,environmental sanitation,water management,drainage schemes.
4.Destruction of mosquito larvae- using larvicides(chemical and biological).
5.Measures against malaria parasite-presumptive treatment,radical,mass drug administration.

        Planning of malaria control should be flexible.Suitable methods should be used in the best way.National Malaria Control Programme was launched in April,1953 by the Government of India.In 1958 the Government changed its strategy from control to eradication and renamed it as National Malaria Eradication Programme.It was very successful up to 1961.After that number of cases began to increase suddenly with increase in the number of deaths also.The situation worsened up to 1976 and then the government has entirely changed the strategy.The programme was 'Modified Plan of Operation 1977' and its objectives were to eliminate the deaths,reduce morbidity and maintain the gains achieved so far,since then the Malaria cases have started coming down and deaths are also
Treatment of malaria:
 All fever cases should be assumed to be due to malaria.Persumptive treatment should be given to all such cases.For this give tablet chloroquine 250 mg(4 tablets stat),simultaneously collect the blood for microscopic examination.If the slide is positive for malaria parasite then radical treatment is given which consists of giving.
1st day:               Chloroquine 600 mg
                          Primaquine 15 mg
Next 4 days:       Primaquine is given in a dose of 15 mg per day.

Antimalarial vaccine:
Vaccination againist malaria is very much desired.Until now no satisfactory vaccine is available against malaria.Many clinical trials are in process to develop a malaria vaccine.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Causes of Diabetes and Prevention

Diabetes is now regarded as a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by a state of chronic hyperglycemia leading to a number of complications. e.g cardiovascular,renal,neurological,ocular and other such as intercurrent infections.The underlying cause of diabetes is the decreased production or action of insulin hormone which is secreted by the beta cells of islet of Langerhans in the pancreas.
The WHO classifies the diabetes in the following categories:
1.Diabetes Mellitus(DM)
i)Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM type 1)
ii)Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(NIDDM type 2)
iii)Malnutrition related diabetes mellitus(MRDM)
iv)Other types(Secondary to pancreatic disease,hormonal imbalance,drug-induced,or genetic disorder)
2.Impaired glucose tolerence(IGT)
3.Gastrointestinal diabetes mellitus(GDM)
IDDM is the most severe form of disease.
Clinical Classification:
Two main types of the disease have long been recognized clinically:
1.The juvenile onset type:Usually developsduring the first 40 years of life in patients of normal or less than normal weight.Since administration of insulin is required for the patients of juvenile type diabetes,it is also called insulin dependent diabetes.
2.The adult or maturity onset type:
Usually develops in middle aged or elderly persons who are generally obese.The disease can be controlled by dietary control alone or by oral hypoglycemic drugs.
Causes of Diabetes Mellitus:
Insulin deficiency is the underlying cause of the diabetes which may be due to diseases of the pancreas,defective formation of the insulin,destruction of beta cells in the pancreas,defective formation of the insulin,destruction of beta cells in the pancreas,due to viral infections,decreased sensitivity of insulin,genetic defects or autoimmunity etc.In diabetes glucose utilization is decreased which leads to hyperglycemia(increased blood sugar level) and glycosuria(sugar in urine).
Prevention and Care of Diabetes:
Prevention of diabetes can be done under there headings i.e. primary,secondary and tertiary prevention.
Two strategies of primary prevention namely population strategy and high risk strategy,have been suggested.
Population strategy:
Prevention of IDDM is not possible presently.However prevention of NIDDM is possible.THe preventive measures include maintenance of normal body weight,by diet control and exercise.The diet should be restricted in sugar and it should be rich in protein and fibres.
High risk strategy:
There is no special strategy for IDDM. In patients of NIDDM it can be achieved by changing sudentary life style,correction of over eating and controlling of the body weight.
It includes adequate treatment to maintain blood glucose level close to normal level.Treatment is done by control of diet control and insulin.Proper management prevents the complications.Self care is very important.Patient should take his care according to medical advice.He should be able to do his urine sugar and blood sugar examination.
Diabetes is a disease which produces many complications such as blindness,kidney failure,coronary thrombosis and gangrene of the lower limbs.The objective of the tertiary level is to organise specialized clinics called Diabetetic Clinics and Units for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Brief description about vitamin A

Vitamin A:
 'Vitamin A' includes both retinol(a performed vitamin) and beta carotene(a provitamin).The international unit(IU) of vitamin A is equivalent to 0.3 microgram of retinol or 0.55 mcg of retinol palmitate.There are seperate values for retinol and beta-carotene in different foods.The term retinol equivalent (RE) has been conventionally adopted to convert these into a single value.The equivalents of RE are as follows:
1 mcg of retinol=1 mcg of RE.
1 mcg of B-carotene=0.167 mcg of RE.
1 mcg of other carotenoids=0.084 mcg of RE.
Functions of vitamin A:
The role of vitamin A at molecular level is unknown.This vitamin is essential for vision.It helps in the production of retinol pigments needed for vision in dim light.Vitamin A maintains functioning and integrity of gladular and epithelial tissues.It helps in skeletal growth and has an anti-infective action.It provides protection against some epithelial cancers like bronchial cancer.
Sources of vitamin A:
The animal sources are the important sources of retinol and include fish,liver,butter,ghee,egg,yolk,and whole milk.The plant sources are rich in carotenes and include carrot,green leafy vegetables,mango and orange etc.
Daily requirement:
The recommended daily intake of vitamin A is 750 micrograms as retinol(or 3000  microgram as B-carotene)in adults and adolescents.In children the requirement varies from 250 to 600 micrograms of retinol or 1000 to 2400 microgram of B-carotene.
Deficiency of vitamin A:
Vitamin A deficiency commonly affects the eyes but extaocular effects can also be noted.
Eye manifestations:
The short description of common eye manifestations due to vitamin A deficiency is given below.
a)Night blindness is the inability to see in dim light due to impairment in dark adaptation.The condition worsens when child suffers from recurrent infections or diarrhoea.
b)Conjunctival xerosis is the first sign of vitamin A deficiency.In this condition the secretions of tears is decreased  and the conjunctiva of the eye becomes dry,wrinkled and muddy.
c)Bitot's spots are seen on the bulbar conjuctiva on either side of the cornea.They are mostly bilateral and appear as triangular pearly white or yellowish foamy spots.
d)Corneal xerosis is a condition of eye in which the cornea becomes dry,dull non-wettable and opaque.In severe deficiency cases even corneal ulcers are seen.
e)Keratomalacia also called liquification of the cornea.In this condition the cornea at places becomes soft and even burst open.The eye may collapse and the vision is lost.Keratomalacia is one of the major causes of blindness in our country.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What is IQ?

To know the intelligence of humans,psychological scientists introduced a special way.i.e., I.Q.It stands for Intelligence quotient.It can be expressed in numeric values.To know the I.Q of a person, we have to divide his mental age with his actual age.After getting quotient ,it should be multiplied with 100.This can be  done by using the following formula.

                                      I.Q=(MA(Mental Age)/CA(Chronological age))*100;

                       If the mental age of a person is in between 130-140,then the person can be treated as very cleverer.If the I.Q is 100 then the knowledge of a person is average.If it is 70 or below 70 then he is poor in knowlege.Many scientists used to believe that every person will get some knowledge from his birth and like blue eyes,tall,short,etc.. ,knowledge is also a own feature of the humans.They thought that it can be determined by a single test.But a scientist called alphaid Bennett from france proved that it was a wrong imagination.He wanted to provide a method  to determine the knowlege of the students.In the event of that,he also made a research to find out whether
knowledge is gained from birth or not.

                         psychological scientists feel that these  intelligence tests can not determine the knowledge of humans exactly.They can estimate only what the person was already learned.They can not estimate how quickly the person is able to learn.So that they can not give accurate results.Many scientists feel that intellegence or knowledge depends on the understanding nature or learning capability of that person. Not only learning capabilities vary from one person to other but also remembering capabilities vary from one person to other. While solving their own  problems,the use of knowledge and past experience is different from one person to another.Due to this only
knowledge has no standard definition.

          Scientists are still making a research on "how the person is being clever than others".They proved that knowledge depends on his environment and heridity.Every person will be born with some mental capability.The other things will support to increase or not to increase that capability.So finally from all these observations,it is clear that knowledge is not gained from heridity and we can not treat any single feature as a knowledge.and also it can not be determined by the tests.

Causes Of Chicken Pox(VARICELLA):

Chicken Pox(VARICELLA):
The causative agent of chicken pox is a virus called Varicella Zoster virus(V-Z virus) or HUman(alpha)herpes virus 3.
Mode Of Transmission:
Chicken pox is transmitted from person to person by droplet infection.The virus enters the upper respiratory tract commonly.Some times the disease spreads by contamination from the discharge from ruptured lesion of the skin.
Clinical features:
Clinical features include fever,apperance of the rash in the form of corps on the trunk,face, and the limbs.Within 24 hours the lesions become pustular(filled with pus).The pustules dry up in a few days to form scabs.
Incubation period:
Incubation period of the diseases is about 14 to 16 days.
Varicella Zoster immunoglobulin(VZ Ig) given within 72 hours of exposure in a dose of 1.25 to 5 ml intramuscularly will modify or prevent the disease.The VZ Ig is particularly useful in newborn.A live attenuated vaccine has been launched in Japan.The scroconversion rate of the vaccine is more than 90%.The side effects include mild local reaction or rash.There is a controversy about general use of chicken pox vaccine because:
a)Vaccination prevents the disease in childhood but later on if child is exposed to the virus the disease is more severe as compared to mild early childhood chicken pox.
b)The live attenuated virus may establish itself as latent infection which may produce Zoster or chicken pox like disease at a later age.
c)The natural disease is mild and passes away if complications are prevented and reliable immunity is produced.

Eight Alarming Alerts About Cancer:

1.Unusual bleeding or discharge from any orifice in the body.
2.A lump in the breast in a female,or at any site in any sex,which is growing rapidly.
3.A sore on the skin or mucous membrane,a wart or ulcer which does not heal.
4.Change in bowel habit or urinary bladder function.
5.Nagging cough,blood-stained sputum and increasing breathlessness especially in a smoker,hoarseness of voice.
6.Chronic indigestion,blood in vomit;difficulty in swallowing.
7.Certain blood disorders.
8.Lymph node enlargement.

Reasons For Getting Pimples?

For men and women pimples is a big problem.Both are affected equally.These are the constraints of beauty and it reduces the self confidence.Do you know why we get pimples in teenage?

                         There are many reasons for getting pimples.A follicle is a tiny skin duct under the skin that a single hair grows out of. Below the duct is a tiny gland that produces sebum, skin oil. Due to this our skin will be very soft. This gland will  have a  micro hole.
From this oil is produced to the surface of the skin.Sometimes these tiny glands will be blocked with waste materials and some bacteria.Due to this the oil can not be released from skin.The skin will be swollen.White blood cells which protect our body will reach this place.The pimple of acne forms when the white blood cells doing battle with the bacteria make their way to the surface of the skin, erupting into a large white or whitish-yellow lump.There are also other reasons  for getting pimples like defects in our skin and some other diseases.There are chances of getting pimples by  taking spicy and fatty foods.

                      It is better to consult a skin specialist.He will find the reason for getting pimples to you.And gives a right medicine.weshould not use different creams which are available in the market.We should not rub the pimples with nails.If we rub, it will form blackspots.To get rid of this,we have to wash our face 4-5 time of a day.Doing physical exercises also reduce pimples.Because it allowsgood blood flow.So that the skin glands will never be blocked.